Last Update:  July 09, 2005
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Saturday, July 09, 2005 (From Marielle's blog)

Dance II
Current mood: grateful

There once was a boy named [Hassaku] and a girl named Maeve. I had seen them at work, living out their mundane lives...sometimes discouraged at what they didn't have and sometimes counting their blessings at what they did have...I, knowing my own situation, called upon myself to ask them see them out of their own see them outside of themselves...or who they thought they were... we started out simple, just a few friends getting together after work...talking about the weekly events...talking about the monthly events...I had asked them to join me to an obscure bar down the street.

Upon our arrival, I had noticed that we were still hanging on to what we were at work, just the people sitting at the desk, typing out LOL, and LMAO or some other ridiculous fucking acronym for our emotions...but the music played on and the beats got faster and deeper and I began to realize that the reason why I had asked these two solely to go out was because when I first met them, I had seen that they housed rhythms so fast and furious in their hearts that they were invisible to the human eye....they had a certain Je ne se quios...a certain something....a soul yet claimed, a heart yet beaten, a mind yet spoken...they had things going for them that were in the unforeseeable future...they had in themselves... and cosmic abundance, that things would get better,,,faith that one day they would look back and say "Damn, that shit was crazy, but I wouldn't change a minute of it."

They are learning, forever learning... we got onto the dance floor and allowed ourselves to convey our messages through our bodies...letting go...of the stress of our everyday lives...soon enough we somehow managed to develop a kind of competition circle with several other tenants of the bar...and [Hassaku] decided to make his move...and to be honest...Holy shit! It was amazing to see someone so quiet and so calm, cool, and collected to break it down and hand it to his competition almost as if he was saying "Yeah, that's right....that's my beef...You got beef? Bring it on bitch!" I am still flabbergasted at what I saw tonight....after his grand performance, I approached the boy named [Hassaku] and told him he was amazing...his reply was "Aww, that was nothing.. this isn't even the music I like to listen to." I looked at him and smiled and admired him for his humility and his unabashed way at saying "Damn, you ain't seen nothing yet"....

The girl decided she was going to get into the competition as well, Maeve was going to lay her beef down as well...but by then...all of the boys couldn't hold a circle around her as they drew in closer ....

I laughed...took my hair out of my ponytail and thought it was time to show my soul too

What a grand evening

Thanks so much, [Hassaku] and Maeve, I had an unforgettable time :)


:: ちょっと寄り道 ::

"Every idea should have a chance to prove its worth, and this is true for two reasons: (1) If it is good, we want it; (2) if it is not good, we will have purchased peace of mind when we have proved it impractical."

(Richard Carlton, 3M's director of manufacturing and author of its first testing manual)

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